Rhinestic's Knick Knacks

Monday, April 02, 2012

Taylor Swift's Vintage Dress in Safe and Sound MV

I'm not really a fangirl of Taylor Swift, but I'm totally in love with the 1920s vintage dress that she wore in the Safe and Sound music video.





The softness and color of the gown really make a dramatic contrast with the harshness and coldness of the surrounding, and that adds to the concept of the music video. <3

I'm also mesmerized by the haunting vocals and guitar music in this song. It has a pretty strong folk element in it. Very different from Taylor's usual pieces. Everything seems to blend so well in the music video, from the music to the scene and back to the music. It's almost as if I can feel the urge to find that little bit of hope amongst the despair.


vintage wedding said...

I didn't know this singer until now, thanks to you. I loved the video, its grey colors as opposed to Taylor's beauty and white stunning dress. Great production. I'm curious to hear other songs.

Anonymous said...

you should check out her folklore and evermore they're similar to safe and sound

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