Rhinestic's Knick Knacks

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hairband.. Headband...?

Tried a short crochet project last Saturday using the Honey Panta pattern. I suppose a panta is used similarly as a headband, just that you can use it to cover your ears during the cold winters??? Anyways, I made the "panta" narrower, since there's no winter in Singapore.. Looks more like a normal headband (or whatever u call it to pull the fringe back b4 you put on make-up).. Haha..

The headband..

A really blurry action shot..

Anywayz, I'm putting away the WIPs temporarily for these couple of days to complete someone's birthday gift. *wink* (Pics to be posted after I've given the gift..)

Here it is!
Jewellery set! =)


chantc said...

oooh. So this is the headband you were mentioning. A little blur, but match your usual dressing. :D

瓶子的诉说 said...


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