Rhinestic's Knick Knacks

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Crafting updates

First of all, I've a tiny announcement to make. It's been a little tough trying to keep up with the weekly Daiso Maniac Saturdays, so I've finally made the decision to change the series to a fortnightly affair. As I've missed last week's due to commitments, I'll be posting one this weekend. Here's a peek!

Can you tell what these are?

Back to crafting updates.. Last week, I started a new sewing project, deconstructing a poncho that a friend passed to me.

I managed to cut up the pieces as well as baste the darts and seams to test the fit...

It fitted ok.

And the piece has been stuck at this stage since. Wanted to continue this project yesterday but the long wait for my rescheduled post delivery and a visit from my mum kinda "killed" my sewing mojo. Anyway, my plans for the dress are to add some cap sleeves and perhaps some random cut-outs. Still thinking if I should combine prints with the cut-outs..

And since I lacked the motivation to do some sewing and was in need of some instant craft gratification...

I turned to my newly bought Nano Blocks Grand Piano kit. The package gave a difficulty rating of 2 (out of 3), but it's easier than it looks. Granted the small "lego" blocks are not friendly to fat fingers (or so XB claimed).

The smallest block measured a mere 4mm x 4mm x 5mm. I guess that's the single cylindrical block.. Coz I dropped and lost a couple of them by accident.. Luckily, they included extras.

The kit came with a "crystal" base for the piano and it's pretty tiny (less than 4cm x 4cm).

I was hoping the piano itself to be as small (I've some sort of an obsession with miniature stuffs) but it still stands at a "whopping" 2 inches x 2 inches x 2.5 inches. Nonetheless, it's still cute!

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