Rhinestic's Knick Knacks

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Daiso Maniac Saturday: #22 Deco Steamed Cakes Using Silicone Cupcake Molds

Remember the easy Chinese buns that I made? I used another recipe from the same cookbook for the deco steamed cakes. It's a microwave recipe and the trick is using silicone molds.

But first, I got some middle-sized silicone cupcake molds from Daiso.

The bases have the perfect size for the sample designs in the book, so there's no need to resize when I print a copy. 

The ingredients used are relatively simple:

I used Morinaga hotcake mix, raw sugar, natural yoghurt, a little melted butter and milk, an egg, a couple of Wilton food dyes, and some baking chocolate powder (I forgot to include that in the photo...!).

The first thing was to mix the ingredients (except food dyes and chocolate powder) to form the base batter. Then, I spooned out 3 small portions of the batter to make 3 different colored deco batter. For the remaining mixture, chocolate powder was added to create a brown base.

The deco batter portions were then transferred to the mini piping cornets (handmade using baking paper).

I then placed a silicone mold over the image I wanted to use. Using the deco batter as "drawing pens", I traced the image in the mold. After all the tracings were done, I microwaved the drawings for a bit to make sure they won't smudge when the base batter was poured over. (This step wasn't in the recipe, but just in case...)

After pouring the base batter to each mold (about 1/2 to 3/4 way up), I zapped them again in the microwave. As my microwave has a higher wattage, I only needed to zap once. Here was my first attempt at making microwaved steam cakes...

... Pardon the spottiness... >< This was pretty much a fail. Obviously.. So, after some head-scratching, I figured I should slowly drop a thin layer of base batter over the images first so that air bubbles will not be trapped around the drawings. 

And here's my second attempt!

This batch turned out much better! And for this second attempt, I also tried some cranberries and elderberries flavored tea in the recipe! And frankly speaking, the ones with the fruity tea tasted a bomb! Yumz!

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