Rhinestic's Knick Knacks

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Crafting Update 2: Yarn Bombing and my Glazed & Fired Knitting Bowl

Good morning, peeps! It's 5:30 am here in this little island called Singapore, and it's our National Day today! (And while I'm typing this, I'm hearing this weird squeak-chirps outside my front door...)

But anyways, back to my crafting updates in July.. So while I was busy with the washi tape wristlets, I managed to sneak a few hours into my schedule to do some yarn bombing at Senja-Cashew Community Centre, in conjunction with the Singapore Mini Maker Faire that was held there.

Sewn this portion of squares together!

The yarn bombed pillar. Borrowed this photo from Yarn Bombing Singapore~

My friend and I also went back for the 2nd session of our ceramic class to do our sanding and glazing. Sanding the bisque-fired piece was pretty much straight-forward, albeit messy.

Glazing, however, was a different story. We were given the choices to dip or paint. After a little consultation with Mr. Chew, I opted to paint due to the gradation effect that I wanted. My friend decided to do the dipping process. Since we're newbies and had no prior experience, it was hard to get our bowls evenly covered, especially for me who was slabbing the glazes on with a small brush (quite pathetically, if I must say so..). At the end of the glazing session, I was kinda crossing my fingers, hoping that everything would turn out okay after firing.

I wasn't expecting anything great, but I was really surprised to see the outcome when I went to collect the fired pieces last week!

My piece might not have the smoothest glazing, but I do love the colors and the water color effect a lot!

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